
 Marine Biology-Theory

Introduction: Divisions of marine environment- pelagic, benthic, euphotic, aphotic divisions and their subdivisions. Life in oceans ?general account of major groups of phytoplankton, sea weeds, major zooplankton groups. Environmental factors affecting life in the oceans- salinity, temperature, light, currents, waves, tides, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Primary, secondary and tertiary production. Marine food chains and food webs. Vertical migration of zooplankton Phytoplankton-Zooplankton relationship, geographical and seasonal variation in plankton production, plankton and fisheries. Benthos- a life in rocky, sandy, and muddy shores. Mud banks. Mangroves and coral reefs. Boring and fouling organisms. Nekton- outline composition of nekton, habitats of nekton. Bioluminescence and indicator species. Red tides. Biology, significance and classification in mammals, adaptation in pinnipids and cetaceans for breeding. Whales- their different community and their characteristic features. Adaptations in marine mammals for conserving body heat and submersion for long dive.


-Zooplankton relationship, geographical and seasonal variation in plankton production, plankton and fisheries. Benthos- a life in rocky, sandy, and muddy shores. Mud banks. Mangroves and coral reefs. Boring and fouling organisms. Nekton- outline composition of nekton, habitats of nekton. Bioluminescence and indicator species. Red tides. Biology, significance and classification in mammals, adaptation in pinnipids and cetaceans for breeding. Whales- their different community and their characteristic features. Adaptations in marine mammals for conserving body heat and submersion for long dive.
Last modified: Wednesday, 12 May 2010, 8:52 PM