Giant mistletoe

Giant mistletoe

    Parasite: Dendrophthoe spp.
    • Infect mango trees. The flowering plant parasitizes slendour branches of host tree at intervals by means of bulged haustoria which serve has absorbing organs.
    • It derives nutrient and water from the host and makes the host to die.
    • The severely attacked trees are weakened and their productivity is lowered. Some times the trees die.

    Phanerogamic plant parasites: Dendrophthoe (Loranthus) ampullaceus D.calcycalatus, D. involucratus, D. longiflorus, D. parasiticus and D. philippensis, D. scurrula are partial stem parasites.
      Trees in poorly maintained or neglected plantations are highly susceptible.
      Mode of spread and survival
      • The flowering parasite survives in the host plant.
      • The parasites flowers profusely in the host plant and produces fruits.
      • Birds eat the fruits and excrete seeds on branches of other trees.
      • Seeds of the parasites germinate during wet condition and establish on the new host.


    • The parasite is cut before berry formation.
    • The branches or twigs showing the parasites should be cut about 2.5cm below the point of attachment.
    • The cut ends should be protected with Bordo paste.

Last modified: Monday, 16 January 2012, 5:33 AM