C-terminal identification

C-terminal identification

    • C-terminal amino acid can be determined by methods similar to those used for the N-terminal acid.
    • Hydrazine is used to find out the C-terminal amino acid.
    • It reacts with the carbonyl group of each peptide bond except C-terminal amino acid.
    • The bond is cleaved and each amino acid derivative is released as the hydrazide derivative (hydrazinolysis).
    • Since the carboxyl group of C-terminal amino acid is not involved in a peptide. bond, it remains in the mixture as the only unmodified amino acid.
    • After chromatographic separation and comparison with the standards, the C-terminal amino acid can be identified.
    • Carboxypeptidases are used for enzymic determination of the C-terminal amio acid.


Last modified: Tuesday, 27 March 2012, 11:23 PM