10.1.1 Introduction

10.1.1 Introduction

A fair knowledge of fish diseases and the methods of their treatments along with prophylactic measures are indispensable in ornamental fish farming. Natural processes and man-made activities mainly cause diseases in ornamental fishes. Inadequate nutrition, unusual weather conditions, accumulation of feed and wastes in the rearing medium, unhygienic handling and other environmental factors are some of the reasons responsible for the emerging of certain diseases in ornamental fishes.:

Precautions to be taken to reduce the possibility of diseases

• Good-quality and compatible fish should be procured

• New fishes should always be quarantined before adding them to the aquarium. (A hospital tank can be used for this).

• Rough handling and sudden changes in tank conditions to be avoided

• Overfeeding of fish to be avoided

• Sick fishes should be given treatment in a hospital tank

• Nets used needs to be disinfected.

• Transferring water from the quarantine tank to the main aquarium to be avoided.

Last modified: Monday, 21 November 2011, 7:12 AM