

A noun is the name of a person, place, animal, thing, quality, action, feeling etc. 

                1)  Anil    is a cunning boy            -  name   of   persons

             2)  Kolkata  is a very large city      -   places

             3)  The eagle is the king of birds   -   birds

             4)  The pen is in the inkpot            -   things

             5)  Honesty pays in the long run    -  Qualities

             6)  Prosperity  attracts friends        -   States

             7) Lata sings very sweet songs     -   Actions

 Concrete noun

             A concrete noun is one that names a concrete object – person, place, thing, material or a collection of things or persons etc.

             Dara singh is a great boxer

             Delhi is an ancient town

 Proper nouns

             A proper noun is the name given to a particular place, person or thing to single it out from other of its clags.

             Paris is the capital of France

 Common noun

                         A common noun is the name of a person, place or thing of whose kind there are many others

            The dog is a very faithful animal

             Material noun              Bread       -  Flour

             Collective noun           Flock, army

 Collective noun           -  is the name of a number of persons /     things taken together

 Cattle              -   herd

 Soldiers           -   army

 Sailors             -   crew

Abstract Noun

             Name of quality (action / state considered apart from the objective)

             Quality                        -  Goodness, kindness, whiteness, honesty, wisdom, bravey

            Action                          -  Laughter, theft, movement

             State                          -  Childhood, boyhood, youth, slavery, sleep

 Countable Nouns

             The nouns that can be counted are called countable nouns

 E.g.   Cars, sharpeners,  pencils

Uncountable nouns

            The nouns that cannot be counted (only their units are counted)are called uncountable noun

 E.g. : Sugar, petrol, coffee

Last modified: Wednesday, 1 February 2012, 4:38 AM