6.2.4. FMSY & FMAX

6.2.4. FMSY & FMAX

FMSY is the effort level corresponding to MSY differs in that of FMAX. FMAX is fishing mortality rate at which average catch per recruit is at a maximum. FMAX is in weight. It is a function of growth rate and mortality rate of the stock as well as the size at which the fish enter the fishery. FMSY is independent of recruitment.

FMSY refers to fishing mortality rate at which the average long term catches from the stock is the highest. Hence, FMAX is a function of total production increase within the stock including efforts of changing yield for recruit and recruitment, which is also affected by fishing.

In maximum Economic Yield, the catch at this level will be less than open access catch on MSY by the economic rent to the industry i.e. surplus production will be at its maximum.

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 5:18 AM