(1) Troposphere

(1) Troposphere

    • Troposphere - 0 to 12 km - Contains 75% of the gases in the atmosphere. This is where we live and where weather occurs. As height increases, temperature decreases in this region. The temperature drops about 6.5 degrees Celsius for every kilometer above the earth's surface. Tropopause - located at the top of the troposphere. The temperature remains fairly constant here. This layer separates the troposphere from the stratosphere.
    Constituent Percentage
    Nitrogen 78.08
    Oxygen 20.95
    Argon 0.934
    Carbon dioxide 0.0314*
    Neon 0.0018
    Helium 0.0005
    Methane 0.0002*
    Trypton 0.00011
    Nitrous oxide 0.00005
    Hydrogen 0.00005
    Xenon 0.000008
    Ozone 0.000001*

    * Components are highly variable
    • The concentration of water vapour in this layer rate from 0 to more than 4%. Troposphere is more abundant in warm air. Troposphere is the layer of sulphates and is the region of strong air movements and cloud formation, i.e., it is the layer of most weather phenomena which affect different ecosystems of the biosphere

Last modified: Thursday, 29 March 2012, 9:00 PM