- An adult human body has about 25 g of magnesium. Half of this quantity is present in the bones along with calcium and phosphorus and the rest in soft tissue.
- Magnesium plays an important role in normal calcium and phosphorus metabolism in man
- It is also present in certain enzymes like co-carboxylase which decarboxylates pyruvic acid.
- Magnesium also takes part in the phosphorylation as a cofactor, in metabolic pathways
- Prolonged starvation brings magnesium deficiency.
- Vomiting and intestinal fistula, neuromuscular irritability, tremors, cramps, twitching and convulsions occur in its deficiency.
- Confusion, disorientation and visual hallucinations are some other complaints of magnesium deficiency.
- Diabetic acidosis is associated with raised serum level of magnesium.
Sources Dairy products (excluding butter), fresh green vegetables, meat, nuts, seafood and legumes. Requirements Requirements - RDA
Children mg/day 1-3 years - 50 4-6 years - 70 7-9 years - 100 Infants - 30 - 45
Boys 10-12 years - 120 13-15 years - 165 16-18 years - 195
Girls 10-12 years - 160 13-15 years - 210 16-18 years - 235
Adult man - 340 Adult woman - 310 Pregnant woman - 310 Lactation - 310
Last modified: Saturday, 2 June 2012, 6:31 AM