References and Additional Reading Material

References and Additional Reading Material

    Reference Books:
    1. Hartmann, H.T., Kester D.E., Davis, F.T and R.L Geneve (2010) Plant Propagation: Principles and practices (8th Edition)
    2. Sharma, R.R and Srivastav M (2004):Plant propagation and nursery management (First Edition) International Book Distributing Co.
    3. K.K.Nanda and V.K. Kochhar (1985). Vegetative propagation of plants . Kalyani Publisher- New Delhi-Ludhiana .
    4. Bose ,T.K.Sanyal, D and Sandhu, M.L.(1998) Propagation of Horticultural crops. Naya Prakash Publishers , Kolkatta .
    5. Hartman,H.T. and Beutel, A(1979).Propagation of temperate zone fruit plants. Leaflet, California, Agri. Expt. Sta. California.
    Website URL:
    1. http// propagation

Last modified: Thursday, 20 September 2012, 7:26 AM