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Pests and Diseases
1. Flea beetles- Spraying Malathion or carbaryl. 2. Thrips- spray Malathion or 0.5ml Phosphomidon or 1ml monocrotophos per litre of water. 3. Chaffer beetle- dusting any insectide in evenings. 4. Mealy bugs- Spraying Dich lorovas. 5. Scales 6. Nematodes- Use nematode resistant root stocks. Diseases 1. Anthracnose removing & burning, spraying BM, Benlate or Bavistin regularly or Ziram 2. Downy mildew spray BM, or Mancozeb (2.5 gm/1 litre.) 3. Powdery mildew spraying or dusting sulphur or Neem products. |
Last modified: Sunday, 29 April 2012, 5:58 AM