Citrus Decline

Citrus Decline

    (Tristeza) Very serious virus disease causing various deficiency Symptoms in leaves like leaf falling, root decay, dieback of shoots and finally the death of the tree. Trees normally produce heavy crops before dying.
    Citrus decline may advance in badly maintained orchards in ill drained soils and also due to malnutrition and insects and pests. Though, appropriate control measures are not available as a means of rejuvenating the declining plants, the following measures may be followed.
    • Removing all dead wood before new growth starts and spraying Bordeaux Mixture and covering all cut surfaces with Bordeaux paste.
    • Applying more organic manures to the plants
    • Regularly following the recommended plant protection and spraying 0.3 % zinc sulphate and B. M. whenever new growth appears.
    New plantations should be with plants grafted on Rangpur lime which is reported to be highly tolerant to tristeza.

Last modified: Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 6:10 AM