Soil and Climate

Soil and Climate

    • Acid lime grows well in areas which are free from frost, strong winds and are warm and moderately humid. Can grow upto 1000m elevation with annual rainfall not exceeding 750 mm. Sweet limes can tolerate frost better than acid lime. Rangpur lime grows well under areas with 20-300C. Lemons can be grown in both humid and semi humid areas upto 1200m elevation and tolerate frost better than acid lime.
    • Lime grows well in deep (2-2.5m) well drained soils rich in organic matter. Optimum pH is 6.5-7.0. it can not grow in water logged soils, alkaline soils with high lime content. Lemons grow better in shallow soils also if well drained.

Last modified: Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 6:32 AM