Maturity Indices

Maturity Indices

    Harvesting Indices
    • Papaya comes to bearing with 10 months after planting.
    • The economic life is only 3-4 years. Fruits are harvested when the fruit turn slight yellow in colour.
    • While harvesting, fruit should not be damaged to prevent rotting.
    • Manual harvesting is commonly practiced, wash the fruits with water or fungicide i.e., Benlate at 0.05per cent and pack in boxes with cushioning materials.
    • After harvesting in about 5-6 days fruit ripens depending upon room temperature.
    • Fruits could be stored for more than 4-5 weeks at 00C; also individual fruits are wrapped in the newspaper for ripening
    • Yield: The average yield is 30-80 tons/ha.
    Maturity Indices

Last modified: Thursday, 17 May 2012, 11:08 AM