Composition and Uses

Composition and Uses

    • The fruits are rich source of food energy (124 cal) CHO’s (28.89 mg), ca (20.0 mg), P(63 mg), Fe, Vit.A, ascorbic acid protein (2.5 g), fat, etc.
    • The fresh fruits used for table purpose. The rind is slit longitudinally along the grooves and the inner segments of flesh are taken out to be served as dessert or preserved with salt or made in to a sauce.
    • Also used in making durian paste, sweet durian candy or confectionary, preparation of ice-cream. The seeds roasted and eaten.
    • Medicinal importance: As aphrodisiac, the boiled decoction of roots used to relieve fever in Malaysia. Leaves used for curing jaundice. Durian shell placed under beds to discourage bed bugs.

Last modified: Wednesday, 2 May 2012, 11:03 AM