Soil and Climate

Soil and Climate

    • The best quality fruits can be produced in areas of cool winters and hot & dry summers where rainfall is low; It can be grown in tropical to warm temperate climates and from plains to an elevation of about 1800 m.
    • The tree require hot & dry climate during fruit development and ripening.
    • It cannot produce sweet fruits unless the temperature is high for considerable period.
    • The plants withstand considerable long period. The plant withstand considerable amount of drought but does well if provided with irrigation.
    • Pomegranate can be grown on soils-which are considered unsuitable for most of other fruit crops.
    • It can be grown in limy, alkaline and saline soils and also thrives well in shallow rocky gravel soils.
    • However best yield & quality of fruits could be obtained in deep heavy, loamy and well drained soil with pH range of 5.5 – 7.5.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 10:25 PM