Propogation and planting

Propogation and planting

    • It is propagated both by seeds and vegetative means. Seed propagation is done primarily to produce seedlings for selection purposes or for rootstocks. Due to the high hetero-zygosity, seedlings are not recommended for production purposes. Seeds loose their viability quickly, and to be sown immediately for good germination. It takes about 10-12 days for germination and 6-8 months old seedlings are used for transplanting.
    • Vegetatively it can be multiplied by hardwood cutting, air layering, budding; commercially air layering is followed during rainy season. Hardwood cuttings treated with IBA at 2500ppm give better rooting,
    • Planting is done in 1 m3 pits at a spacing of 7x7m for general cultivation and at 3x3m for hedge purpose.
    • About 40-50 kg compost/plant/year should be applied in 2 splits.

Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 8:04 PM