Pusa Sawani:
Most popular variety known throughout the country. It is a hybrid derivative selection from the cross between IC 1542 and Pusa Makhmali. It bears smooth and dark green fruits having 5 ridges and takes 45-50 days from sowing to harvest. First fruit is borne on 5th to 7th node. It is suitable for cultivation in both spring summer as well as Kharif season since it is less sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Yield is around 12-12.5 t/ha.
Pusa A-4:
This variety has been released as substitute for Pusa Sawani. The fruits are 5 ridged, attractive, dark green12-15 cm long having excellent shelf life. It is resistant to YVMV and tolerant to jassids and shoot and fruit borer. Yield ranges from 10-12 t/ha.
It was developed at TNAU as single plant selection from a heterogenous population of Red Wonder. Plants are tall, leaves are light green and deeply lobed. The fruit starts from 5th node. It has field tolerance to YVMV but is susceptible to fruit borer and powdery mildew. Suited well for cultivation in all seasons of the year.
CO-1 /li>
It was evolved at TNAU as an induced mutant from Pusa sawani. The fruit bearing starts from 4th to 5th node and takes 45 days to first picking. Fruits are light green about 20cm long and weigh about 29 g each at the time
Arka Anamika (Selection 10):
This variety has been developed as a hybrid derivative selection from inter specific cross between A. esculentum and A. tetraphyllus. The plants are tall, upright, slightly pigmented on stem and lower leaves. It takes 55 days to first picking. The variety is excellent yielder in South but with a lower performance in northern states. It is resistance ot YVMV and yields around 12.5t/ha
Arka Abhay (Selection):
An interspecific hybrid between Abelmoschus esculentus(IIHR 20-31) x A.manihot spp. Tetraphyllus (Res. To YVMV) followed by backcross. Plants tall, well branched. Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits borne in two flushes. Purple pigment present on both sides of the petal base. Green stem with purple shade. Fruits free from spines having delicate aroma. Good keeping and cooking qualities. Resistant to yellow vein mosaic virus(YVMV) Duration 120-130 days. Yield 18 t/h
Arka Abhay
Punjab Padmini:
It is released by PAU, Ludhiana as a hybrid derivative selection from inter specific cross between A. esculentus and A. manihot ssp manihot. The plants grow fast; 180-200cm. Pigmentation is visible on stem, shoots, petiole and basal lower veins of leaves. Fruits are 15-20 cm long, dark green and 5 ridged. It is resistant to YVMV and tolerant to jassids and cotton boll worm. It yields 10-12.5 t/ha green fruits.
Punjab -7:
This variety was developed at PAU, Ludhiana as a hybrid derivative selection of a cross between A. esculentus cv. Pusa sawami and A. manihot ssp. Manihot. Plants are medium tall. Leaves are dark green with less serrated margins. Plant is sparsely hairy. Fruits are medium long, green, 5 ridged. It yields about 10t/ha.
Punjab-8(EM 58):
It is an induced mutant derived from Pusa Sawani by treating seed with EMS 1%. The plants are tall. Fruits are medium long, thin, tender green and 5 ridged. It is resistant to YVMV and tolerant to fruit borer.
Parbhani Kranti:
This YVMV resistant variety was developed at Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani from interspecific cross between A. esculentus cv. Pusa Sawani and A. manihot. Plants are single stem, tall with dark green foliage. The first fruit is borne on 5th to 6th node. The fruits are dark green, slender, 5 ridged with long beak. Average fruit yield varies from 8.5-9 t/ha.
Gujarat Bhendi 1:
It was developed by Gujarat Agricultural University, Ahmedabad as a pure line selection. Plant height is 60 – 90 cm. The plants are erect, purple tinge on stem. Fruit starts from 4th to 5th node and fruits are 5 ridged, tender and green in colour. It yields 7 t/ha.
Gujarat Bhendi 1
Varsha Uphar (HRB 9-2):
The variety has been developed by HAU, Hisar from the cross. Lam selection 1 X Parbhani Kranti. It is resistant to YVMV and field tolerant to leaf hopper. Plants are medium tall (90-120), fruits bearing starts from 4th node. Fruits smooth, attractive, 18-20 cm long and 46-47 days to first picking. It is a prolific bearer with an average yield of 10 t/ha.
White Velvet:
It is a very popular local variety in Karnataka.
Hisar Unnat (HRB-55):
Developed by HAU, Hisar from the cross Selection 12-2 x Parbhani Kranti. It is resistant to YVMV, early (first picking in 46-47 days) and high yielding (12-13 t/ha) variety. Fruits 5 ridged 15-16 cm long on full maturity. It is suitable for growing during summer as well as rainy season.
Selection 2-2:
This variety was developed at IARI from the cross (Pusa sawani x Best one) x (Pusa Sawani x IC 7194). The plants grow to an average height of 110 cm. It takes 50 days to first harvest. Fruits are green, tender, long (16-20 cm) and 5 ridged. It is popular in Maharashtra for fresh fruit exports.
Azad Kranti:
It is released by C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur. The plants are fast growing; fruits are shiny green, smooth, 5 ridged with long beak. It is tolerant to YVMV and gives good yield (12.5 t/ha).
Hybrid COBh H1:
it is an VU selection / PA 4 (T). Plants are 110 to 120 cm tall, fruits are dark green, long and tender. About 21-29 fruits are borne per plant. Its is a high yielding and resistant to YVMV. Yield potential is 22.1 tonnes/ha. Crop duration is 120 days.
A number of private sector companies bred hybrids having resistance to YVMV are also being grown in the country. Varsha and Vijay from IAHS, Adhunik and Panhali from Century Seeds, Hybrid No. 6 and 7 from Mahyco, Nath Sobha from Nath Seeds etc. are few hubrids.