Importance and utility

Importance and utility

    Scientific name : Amaranthus Sp.
    Family : Amaranthaceae
    Chromosome number : 2n=32 or 34
    Origin : India
    Leaf type
    Amaranthus tricolor/ganetious            Amaranthus blitum
    Amaranthus tristis                                 Amaranthus durbius
    Amaranthus lividus                                Amaranthus viridis
    Grain Amarath species
    Amaranthus caudatus                             Amaranthus hypochondriacus.
    Amaranthus cruentus                             Amaranthus edulis.
    Importance and utility
  • Amaranthus is the most common leafy vegetable grown during summer and kharif season in India. It fits well in crops rotation because of its very short duration and large yield of edible matter per unit area. The estimation of the extent of its cultivation is not available. Green or leafy types are usually grown in kitchen and market garden. The grain amaranthus species are popular in the high lands of tropical and sub-tropical America. It is gaining importance in the Indian plains also, particularly in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Grain types are usually grown as mixed crops along with cereals, pulses and vegetables.
  • The leaves and tender stems of Amaranthus are rich in protein, minerals, vitamin A and C.100g of edible portion of Amranthus consists of Protein 4.0 g, Calcium 397 mg, Iron 25.5 mg, Magnesium 247 mg, Phosphorus 83 mg, Potassium 341 mg, Sulphur 6 mg, Vit C 99 mg and Vit A 9200 IU. Besides, the soft fibrous matter provides necessary roughage in the diet.
  • The fresh tender leaves and stem of amaranthus are delicious when cooked and consumed like other leafy vegetables. The tiny seeds of grain. Amaranthus are parched and milled for flour.Amaranthus flour compares favourably with other cereals in taste, nutritional value and yield.
  • The grain amaranthus is a rich source of protein and essential aminoacids like lysine, leucine and isoleucine which are required for growth of children.
Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 11:32 AM