Land preparation

Land preparation

    2-3 ploughings, clods should be broken and bring the soil to fine tilth
    Seed rate
  • 25-30 kg/ha seeds are required for one hectare of area. Seed inoculation with rhizobium helps in nodulation and nitrogen fixation.
  • Seeds are dibbled in row or drilled behind the plough sometimes broadcasting is also followed.
  • 45cm X 15-20cm
  • 25tonnes of FYM is applied to the soil at the time of final preparation. Application of 25:75:60 kg of NPK is recommended. Half of N along with entire dose of P and K fertilizer should be applied at the time of sowing in bands about 7-8 cm to the side of the seed.
  • Cluster bean is a hardy crop that comes up well under rainfed conditions. Flowering and pod development periods are the critical stages. For higher yield the crop should be irrigated regularly at 7-10 days interval.
    Weed control
  • One or two weedings are essential for kharif season crop. Weedicides can be used to suppress the weeds. At the later stages of crop growth, weeds are kept under check due to the thick canopy of the crop.
Last modified: Thursday, 16 February 2012, 9:25 AM