Cropping system

Cropping system

  • Muskmelon could be grown in different cropping system. Brinjal-turnip-Muskmelon is the best rotation in North West India. In central Gangetic plains potato, garden pea- muskmelon- maize; and Paddy, muskmelon rotations are followed. Mixed cropping of melons is done in the initial stages of sugarcane in eastern UP and with cotton in Punjab. In rice fallows of Cuddappa district of AP, there is a small well defined pocket of growing muskmelon between February and May, the fruits of which reach the market after the riverbed crops are over.
  • Under sequential cropping system okra + French bean- capsicum + onion- Muskmelon + radish out yield by 193% compared with the sole crops of Okra- Capsicum- Muskmelon.
Last modified: Wednesday, 15 February 2012, 7:14 AM