Asahi Yamato:
It is Japaneese introduction, producing medium sized fruits averaging 6-8 kg. The rind colour is light green with deep pink flesh (TSS 11-13%). The fruits ripen in 95 days. Released by IARI.
Sugar Baby:
An early season American introduction, the fruit is slightly small is size, weighing 3-5 kg ,round in shape having bluish-black rind and deep pink flesh (TSS-11-13%) and small seeds. The fruits ripen in 85 days. Released by IARI.

Arka Jyoti:
A mid season F1, hybrid (IHR 20 x crimson sweet) with round fruits weighing 6-8 Kg. TSS 11-13%, excellent texture, very sweet with excellent flavour. Average yield 48t/ha released by IIHR, Bangalore.
Pusa Bedana:
It is seedless watermelon developed at IARI, by crossing Tetra 2 (tetraploid) x Pusa Rasal. The fruits are seedless yields 3-4 fruits/vine. Fruits are medium green in colour.
Arka Manik:
Evolved by crossing a local IHR 21 From Rajasthan and Crimson sweet from USA followed by modified backcross method. A cultivar resistant to Powdery Mildew, Downey Mildew and tolerant to anthracnose. Fruits are round to oval with green rind and dull-green stripes. The average fruit weight is 6 kg, sweet (12-13% TSS) and few small seeds. It stands well in long distance transportation and storage. It is released by IIHR. Yields 41t/ha of fruits in 100-110 days.

Arka Muthu :
High yielding variety with unique character of dwarf vine of 1.2 mt, vine length, shorter internodal length and early maturing type (75-80 days). It has Round to oval fruits with dark green stripes and deep red flesh. Average fruit weight is 2.5-3 kg with T.S.S ranging from 12 to 14 %. Fruit yield 55 to 60 t/ha.
Arka Aiswarya:
High yielding F1 hybrid. Green with Dark green deeply lobbed foliage, round to oval fruit, Dark green with light green broken stripes, red flesh, with TSS of 13-14% (brix), average fruit weight 7.5kg with 1-2 fruit per vine. Duration 95-100 days. Fruit yield 75 to 80 t/ha, red flesh, crispy, delicious, juicy and very good taste. Good keeping and transport qualities.
Arka Akash:
High yielding F1 hybrid. Dark green with light green broken specks slightly deep foliage, oblong fruit red flesh, with TSS of 12-13% (brix), average fruit weight 6.5kg with 1 fruit per vine. Duration 90-95 days. Fruit yield 65 to 70 t/ha, red flesh, juicy and very good taste. Good keeping and transport qualities.
Arka Madhura :
Triploid seedless watermelon variety, High yield 50-60 t/ha, T.S.S 13-14 %. Unique type , sweet , juicy and fully seedless .Longer shelf life and transport quality. Suitable for year round production under protected condition.

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Improved Shipper:
An introduction from USA, a big sized watermelon weighing 8-9 kg. The fruit is dark green with moderate sweetness (8-9% TSS) released by PAU, Ludhiana.
Special No.1:
Fruits are round and small with red flesh and red seeds. It is early in maturity. The average TSS is slightly lower than shipper. Released by PAU, Ludhiana.
Durgapura Meetha:
A late cultivar maturing in 125 days with well spread vines. Fruits are round with light green, rind is thick with good keeping quality, flesh sweet, TSS around 11% with dark-red colour, Average fruit weight 6-8 kg, seed with black tip and Margin. Picking starts in 110-120 days and yields 40-45 t/ha. Released by ARS, Durgapura and Rajasthan.
Durgapura Kesar:
It is a late cultivar; fruit weight 4-5 kg, skin green with stripes and flesh yellow in colour, moderately sweet, seeds large. Released by ARS. Durgapura. Rajasthan.
PKM 1:
Fruits are dark green, Flesh pinkish red, yield is 36 to 38 t/ha in 120 to 135 days.
released at HAU, Hisar which is resistant to anthracnose disease.
Crimson Sweet:
The amply proportioned crimson sweet is famous for its sugary, bright red flesh; it is a cross of the Charleston gray, miles, and peacock varieties and has a honeyed taste.

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