Preparation of field

Preparation of field

  • Plough the field for 3-4 times. Apply 20-25 tonnes of farmyard manure at the last ploughing.
  • Long channels of 60cm width are formed at a spacing of 2m. Along this channel, pits of 45cm are dug at a spacing of 1.5m. The package of practice recommendation of Kerala suggests making pits of size 60cm at a spacing of 2m.
  • Different recommendations for fertilizers and manures are available for different locations. Fertilizer recommendation for bitter gourd for different states is given below.

                                                  States                                                      N                                      P                                          K (kg/ha)

  •                                                     Punjab                                                   100                                  50                                              50
                                                        Himachal Pradesh                               100                                   50                                             50
                                                        Karnataka                                              62                                    50                                               0
                                                        Tamil Nadu                                            20                                    30                                              60
                                                        Maharashtra                                         50                                    40                                                0 

  • In the coastal regions of Karnataka N and P at 80: 30kgs/ha alone gave maximum yield of 17.12 tonnes/ha. In coconut gardens of Kerala (partially shaded conditions) maximum fruit set and yield were obtained at NPK 90: 25: 50kgs/ha. In Kerala, application of farmyard manure @ 18 tonnes + NPK 60: 30: 60kg/ha resulted in maximum yield and net returns.
  • Since bitter gourd is sown both in rainy and summer seasons, rainy season crop normally does not require much watering except during dry spells. Being a shallow rooted vegetable, roots are mostly concentrated at top 60cm soil layer. The crop should be irrigated immediately after planting in summer and subsequently at 2-3 days interval until flowering.
    Weed control
  • The field should be free from weeds throughout cropping season. Glycophosphate at 4.5kg/ha if applied after weed emergence and before sowing, weeds can be effectively controlled.
    Use of Growth regulators
  • Ethrel at 25ppm increases female flowers. GA at 60ppm reduces the ratio of male: female flowers. High levels of endogenous GA like substances occur between 45-60 days when the ratio of male: female flowers are low. MH at 150-250ppm when applied at 2 leaf stage in variety ‘Pusa Do Mousmi’ induced the formation of pistillate flowers at the lowest node. Seed treatment with B9 at 3-4 ppm for 20 hours gave the highest number of female flowers per plant. Application of growth regulators at 2-4 leaf stage play an important role in expression and sex ratio. MH at 50-150ppm and CCC at 50-100ppm increase female: male ratio and at a high concentration of 200ppm CCC it is reduced.
  • Application of cycocel at 250mg/litre gave the highest dry-matter, acetic acid and TSS content and flesh thickness. GA3 at 25mg/litre gave highest number of seeds/fruit at 75kg N/ha. Application of paclobutrazol at 100 ppm improves the fruit yield. Soaking of seeds in Ethrel for 20ha/ppm or GA3, MH, silver nitrate at 3 - 4ppm gave the highest number of female flowers and fruits per plant. Seed treatment with Boron 3-4mg/litre or foliar application @ 3-4mg/litre gave significantly higher yield.
Last modified: Tuesday, 14 February 2012, 5:36 AM