Arka Suryamukhi
IIHR, Bangalore
A variety of C. maxima. It is a selection from a foreign introduction. Fruits are small (1-1.5kg) round with flat ends and deep-orange with streamy streaks on the rind. Flesh is firm and orange- yellow in colour. Keeping and transport qualities are good. It is also resistant to fruit fly (Daucus cucurbitae). It yields 36 tonnes/ha in 100 days duration.
Arka Chandan
IIHR, Hessargatta
A selection from Rajasthan collection (IIHR 105). Fruits are medium in size (2-3 kg), round with blos? som end. Rind colour is light-brown with creamy- patches at maturity. Flesh is thick, firm, sweet (TSS 8-10%), bright-orange and rich in carotene (3331 iu/100g of flesh) and keeping qualities are good and has got pleasant aroma. Fruits mature in 120 days and yield 32.5 tonnes/ha.
CO 1
TNAU, Coimbatore
A local collection with late maturing large, sized (7-8 kg) globular fruits with a characteristic broad proximal end. The distal end will be slightly tapering to form a tip. Immature fruits are dark-green in colour and turns to brownish-orange after full maturity. Fruit number per plant is 7-9 and flesh thickness is 4-5 cm. Yield 30 tonnes/ha and duration 150-160 days.
CO 2
TNAU, Coimbatore
A local selection with small flat fruits (1.5-2.0kg). An early maturing type (135 days) and yield about 23-25 tonnes/ha each plant produces 10-12 fruits. Fruit colour is green.
KAU, Vellanikkara
A pure line selection from a local cultivar of Thrissur. A vigorously growing variety having flat round fruits of medium size (5-6 kg) with shallow grooves. Immature fruits are green and turn tan coloured during maturity. Leaves are characterized by white spots on the upper surface of the lamina. Flesh thickness is 4cm and yield potential is 34 tonnes/ha and matures in 130 days.
KAU, Vellanikkara
Fruits elongate, orange fleshed, Medium sized, yield 39t/ha.
KAU, Vellanikkara
Fruits round, Orange fleshed and average yield is 35t/ha
KAU, Vellanikkara
Fruits flat round green with white patches and spots at immature stage turning light brown at mature stage flesh orange in colour. average fruit length 13.5cm yield 37 t/ha
Pusa Biswas
IARI, New Delhi
A local selection of the line 'CM 10' A vigorously growing variety having dark-green leaves with white- spots veins, Fruits are spherical medium (5kg) and light-brown with thick golden-yellow flesh. Matures in 120 days and yield potential is 20 tonnes/ha.
Pusa Vikas
IARI, New Delhi
A small fruited semi dwarf to dwarf type. The fruits are-small (2.0kg), round and flat with yellow flesh. Highly, suitable for cultivation in spring-summer season in North India. Its yield potential is 30 tonnes/ha.
Solan Badami
YSPUH&F. Solan
Fruits are small and yield 22.5t/ha
Arka Chandan