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Module 5. Properties of material, failures and factor of safety
Lesson 25 SOLVING NUMERICAL The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of 20 KN together with a transverse Shear force of 10 KN. Find the diameter of bolt required according to
Take Permissible Tensile stress at elastics limit=100Mpa and Poisson’s ratio=0.3 Nomenclature Load=P бt1 = normal tensile stress in x direction бt2 = normal tensile stress in y direction б1, б2= Principal stresses Shear stress= ז бt(el)= Permissible Tensile stress at elastics limit Sol. Given load=Ptensile =20KN Pshear=10KN (stress(sigma symbol))tensile(elongation)=100Mpa=100N/MM2 µ=1/m=0.3 Let d=diameter of the bolt in mm Therefore Cross sectional area of the bolt A = (Π / 4) x d2=0.785*d2 mm2
We know that axial tensile stress бt1 = (Pt1 / A) = (20 / 0.785d2) = (25.47 / d2) kN / mm2 And transverse shear stress Shear stress(ז) = ( Ps/ A) = (10 / 0.785d2 ) = ( 12.73/ d2) kN/mm2
1). According to maximum principal stress theory. We know that maximum principal stress, ![]() According to maximum principal stress theory бt1 = бt(el) (30365 / d2) = 100 d2 = ( 30365/ 100) = 303.65 = 17.42mm
2) According to maximum shear stress theory We know that maximum shear stress ![]()
According to maximum shear stress theory |