Phytophthora rot of Jackfruit

Phytophthora rot of Jack fruit

    Causal organism: Phytopthora palmivora
    • Infection takes place through bruised or wounded skin in rough skinned varieties and through wounds in smooth skinned verities.
    • Water socked lesions appear within 48-78 hours of inoculation. These become enlarged to form light brown spots with sporulating hyphae near the edge. Infected fruits develop soft rot.
    • The damage caused to the bark of crown roots or bark of the trunk is called as Phytophthora gummosis, collar rot or foot rot.


    Heavy sporangial production occurs during rainy season water was the best and P. palmivora thrives best at 25-28°C. A soil pH of 5.4-7.5 favours the disease
    Spraying with Benomyl @ 1g/lt completely controls the disease.

Last modified: Saturday, 14 January 2012, 5:20 AM