Plum pocket
Causal organism: Taphrina maculans Symptoms
- The symptoms are more prominent on fruits and less on leaves and stem.
- The infected fruits having whitish circular spots on the fruits are completely covered
- Infected fruits develop into double their size.
- Infected fruits fail to produce seeds as they are hollow and which falls from the branches.
- On leaves whitish coat will form in rare cases and defoliation occurs.
Sources of inoculim
- PSI-dormant mycelia.
- SSI-Air born conidia
- The disease is prevalent in areas where cool, misty spring weather prevails and the dry hot weather hastens defoliation.
- The organism produces open ascus in ascocarp. Ascospores may be 4-5 in number
- After release of ascospores, budding takes place which become detached and produces conidia.
- These conidia survive in the cracks and near by growing buds thus further continuing the life cycle.

Life cycle
- Removal and burning of infected shoots reduce the spread of the disease.
- Before bud sprout spray sulphur or copper fungicide.
- Collect the fallen leaves & spray 5% urea on them.
Last modified: Friday, 22 June 2012, 10:11 AM