Exercise 1

Exercise 1 : Pick out the transitive and intransitive verb in the following sentences

  1. I went to Delhi.
  2. He bought a pen.
  3. My grandfather drinks milk.
  4. We wrote the test yesterday.
  5. She is happy.
  6. The driver drives the car.
  7. Mother prepares food.
  8. My sister gave me a purse.
  9. I need a pen.
  10. The computer is mine.

Keys :  (1) went - IV   (2) bought –TV   (3) drinks – TV  (4) wrote – TV (5) is – IV    (6) drives – TV  (7) prepares – TV  (8) gave – TV (9) need – TV (10) is – IV

 (IV – Intransitive Verb, TV – Transitive Verb)



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