3.1.2.Developing listening skills

3.1.2.Developing listening skills

1. Familiarise yourself with the sound system of English

The sound system of every language is unique. So listening sometimes suffers because the sound system of one’s mother tongue interferes with the sound system of English. Apart from individual sounds, there are other important features which play a significant role in conveying meaning. To comprehend fully it is essential to recognize the difference between a stressed word and an unstruggled word, falling intonation and rising information, short pause and long pause.

2. Focus on your purpose 

Listening serves a number of purposes. As a student, when you attend lectures and seminars, your purpose is to gather information, to gain knowledge, to understand concepts, and to learn the procedure or process of doing things. Sometimes your listening has to be critical as well. For example, when proposal is put forward or plan of action is suggested you have to be critical in your approach while examining their suitability or feasibility.

3. Have a positive attitude towards the speaker and the topic Prevent yourself from paying attention to the dress and physical features of the speaker. Keep your mind open and ready to receive.

4. Listen with your eyes as well as ears 

You must carefully pay attention not only to the spoken words but also on how they are being attend and the accompanying body language. 

Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 5:01 AM