e course

PESTS OF GROUNDNUT :: Major Pests :: Leaf Hopper

2.  Leaf hopper: Empoasca kerri (Cicadellidae: Hemiptera)


Damage symptoms: Both adults and nymphs suck sap from young leaves, mostly from the lower surface. The first symptom of attack is a whitening of the veins. Chlorotic (yellow) patches then appear, especially at the tips of leaflets, probably caused by a reaction between the jassids salivary secretion and plant sap. Under severe infestation, the leaf tips become necrotic in a typical V shape , giving the crop a scorched appearance known as 'hopper burn'.



Bionomics: Elongate, active wedge shaped green insects found on the under surface of leaves.

Management: Spraying the infested crop with endosulfan 35 EC 750 ml
(or) imidacloprid 17.8 SL 100 -125 ml in 700- 1000 Litre of water/ha.