e course

PESTS OF GROUNDNUT :: Major Pests :: Stem Borer

11.  Stem borer: Sphenoptera perotetti (Buprestidae: Coleoptera)


Host range: Groundnut, sesame, gram and other pulses


Damage symptoms: Grubs bore into the stem just below the soil surface and tunnel main roots resulting in wilting of plants in patches. Tunnel contains elongate flat headed grubs.


Bionomics: The dark brown shinning beetle lays eggs on the stem of plants that hatch into pale white grub with flat anterior portion.  It pupates in the stem itself.



  1. Apply malathion 5D (or) endosulfan 4D (or) carbaryl 10D at 25 kg/ha to the hole or furrow prior to the sowing.
  2. Repeat the same on 40 DAS during earthing up and gypsum application.