Theory |
Topic 1 |
1.1 External Anatomy of Finfish |
1.2. External Anatomy of Fishes |
1.3. Internal Anatomy of finfish |
1.4. Structure of fins |
1.5. Skin and Scales |
1.6. Scalation |
Topic 2 |
2.1. Organization |
2.2. Symmetry |
Topic 3 |
3.1. Adaptations for feeding |
3.2. Major feeding types |
3.3. Oral adaptation for feeding |
3.3.1. Modifications in the shape of mouth |
3.3.2. Teeth |
3.4. Gill Rakers |
Topic 4 |
4.1. Gastro Intestinal Tract |
4.1.2. Stomach |
4.1.3. Intestine |
4.1.4. Pyloric caeca |
4.1.5. Rectum |
4.1.6. Anus |
4.2.1. Associated digestive glands |
4.2.2. Pancreas |
4.2.3. |
4.2.4. Gas bladder |
Topic 5 |
5.1. Introduction |
5.1.1. Circulatory System of a Fish |
5.1.2. Heart |
5.2.1.Blood Circulatory System |
5.2.2. Arterial System in Elasmobranchs |
5.2.3. Dorsal aorta and its branches |
5.2.4. Arterial system in Bony fishes |
5.2.5. Venous system |
Topic 6 |
6.1.1. Gills |
6.2.1. Structure of gills |
6.2.2. Gill slits |
6.2.3. Pseudobranch |
6.2.4. Gill raker |
6.2.5. Gill Filaments (Primary gill lamellae) |
6.2.6. Lamellae (secondary lamellae) |
6.3.1.Functions of Air bladder or Gas bladder |
Topic 7 |
7.1. Introduction |
7.1.1. The Brain |
7.2. Nerves |
7.2.1. Peripheral nervous system |
Topic 8 |
8.1. Introduction |
8.2. Reproduction |
8.3.Sexual differences |
8.4. Reproductive system |
8.4.1. Lampreys |
8.4.2. Hag fishes |
8.4.3. Sharks |
8.4.4. Bony Fishes |
8.5. Excretory system |
8.5.1. Structure of Kidney |
Topic 9 |
9.1. Introduction |
9.2. Pituitary gland |
9.2.1. Pituitary in teleosts |
9.2.2. Thyroid gland |
9.2.3. Chromaffin tissue |
9.2.4. Interrenal tissue |
9.2.5. Gonads |
9.2.6. Islets of Langerhans |
9.2.7. Thymus |
9.2.8. Ultimobranchial Body |
9.2.9. Intestinal mucosa |
9.2.10. Corpuscles of Stannius |
9.2.11. Pineal Gland |
Topic 10 |
10.1. Introduction |
10.2.1. The Axial Skeleton |
10.2.2. Vertebral Column |
10.3. Appendicular Skeleton and Fins |
Topic 11 |
11.1. Introduction |
11.2. Nares |
11.3. Eyes |
11.4. Skin organs |
11.5. Inner ear |
11.6. Lateral line system |
Topic 13 |
12.1. General characters of Arthropoda |
12.1.1.Shrimps - External Anatomy |
12.1.2. Digestive system |
12.1.3. Circulatory System |
12.1.4. Nervous System |
12.1.5. Respiratory System |
12.1.6. Reproductive System |
12.2. Lobsters |
12.2.1.External Anatomy |
12.2.2. Digestive System |
12.2.3.Circulatory System |
12.2.4. Nervous System |
12.2.5. Excretory System |
12.2.6. Respiratory System |
12.2.7. Reproductive System |
12.3. Crab |
12.3.1.External Anatomy |
12.3.2. Digestive System |
12.3.3. Circulatory System |
12.3.4. Nervous System |
12.3.5. Respiratory System |
12.3.6. Reproductive System |
Topic 14 |
13.1. General characters |
13.2.Unio or Lamellidens or Anodonta |
13.2.1. Habits and Habitats |
13.2.2. External Features |
13.2.3. Microscopic structure of shell |
13.2.4. Pearl formation |
13.2.5. Mantle or Palliun |
13.2.6.Mantle cavity |
13.2.7. Locomotion |
13.2.8. Body Wall |
13.2.9. Body Cavity |
13.2.10. Respiratory System |
13.2.11. Digestive System |
13.2.12.Circulatory system |
13.2.13.Excretory System |
13.2.14. Nervous System |
13.2.15. Sense Organs |
13.2.16. Reproductive system |
13.3. Loligo (The Squid) |
13.3.1. Distribution |
13.3.2. External Features |
13.3.3. Respiratory System |
13.3.4. Digestive System |
13.3.5. lnk Sac |
13.3.6. Blood Vascular System |
13.3.7. Excretory System |
13.3.8. Nervous System |
13.3.9. Sensory Organs |
13.3.10. Reproductive System |
13.3.11. Economic Importance of Cephalopods |
13.4. Cephalopoda - Sepia (The Cuttle-fish) |
13.4.1. Habits and Habitat |
13.4.2. External Features |
13.4.3. Digestive System |
13.4.4. Respiratory System |
13.4.5. Circulatory System |
13.4.6. Excretory System |
13.4.7. Nervous System |
13.4.8. Reproductive System |