BOTANICAL NAME : Brassica oleracea var. capitata Linn. COMMON NAME : Bund Gobhi FAMILY : Cruciferae CHROMOSOME NUMBER : 2n=2x=18
USES (common for all cole crops)
- These are eaten in the raw state as well as cooked.
- These are known for their rich source of vitamin A and C. Also, contains minerals including P, K, Ca, Na and Fe.
- There may be some protective properties against human bowl cancer in these vegetables.
- They are used against ailments such as gout, diarrhea, coeliac trouble, stomach trouble, deafness and headache.
- The leaves are used to cover wounds and ulcers and also recommended against hangover.
- Cabbage juice is said to be a remedy against poisonous mushrooms and also used as a gargle against hoarseness.
- Cabbage was originated from a wild non-heading type plant Brassica oleracea var. sylvestris Syn. (Brassica sylvestris) commonly known as wild cliff cabbage or cole worts.
- It is native to the Mediterranean region.
- The real headed cabbage was evolved in Germany.
- The savoy cabbage originated in Italy and spread to France and Germany in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
- At present, cabbage is grown in Caribbean countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Central East and West America.
The nutritive value of cabbage per 100 g of edible portion is given here under:
Energy (k cal)
Riboflavin (mg)
Moisture (g)
Niacin (mg)
Protein (g)
Ascorbic acid (mg)
Fat (g)
Ca (mg)
CHO (g)
P (mg)
Vitamin A (IU)
Fe (mg)
Thiamin (mg)
- Cabbage leaves are low in calories (24 per cent), fat (0.2 per cent) and carbohydrates (5.4 per cent).
- It is a good source of protein (1.3 per cent).
- Cabbage is an excellent source of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.
- It contains good amount of ascorbic acid.
- Cabbage is used mainly as a vegetable and nice pickle (sauerkraut) is prepared from it.
- It is also used for salad purposes.
- Cabbage is well known for its medicinal properties. It is widely used for cough, fever, peptic ulcers and skin diseases.
- India is the third largest producer of cabbage in the world.
- It is mainly grown in states like Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar, Assam, West Bengal, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
- Apart from India, the other major cabbage producers in the world are China, Russian Federations, Japan, Korea Republic, Poland, USA, Indonesia and Ukraine.
- The area under this crop in India is 369 thousand ha having a production 7949 thousand tonnes with a productivity of 21.5MT/ha (NHB, 2011.
The cabbages are classified into three broad groups:
- White Cabbage: Most common shapes for cultivated cabbages are pointed, round and flat or drumhead.
- Red Cabbage : Leaves have distinct coat of wax and tolerant to diamond back moth.
- Savoy Cabbage: Blistered leaves and the shape is pointed round and flat.
A. White Cabbage: cultivars are divided into 3 groups on the basis of maturity of heads after transplanting
Early Group (Takes 55-70 days to maturity)
Mid season Group (Cultivars fall between early and late) 80-90 days
Late Group (Takes 85-130 days)
Golden Acre, Pride of India, Copenhagen Market, Pusa Ageti, Pusa Mukta, Pusa Sambandh (Synthetic var.) Pusa Synthetic
Wisconsin All Green, All Heads early, Glory of Enkhuizen, September,
Pusa Drum Head
Pusa Drum Head, Danish Ball Head, Indian Edips, Late Flat Dutch, Late K-1, Late Large Drum Head
B. Red Cabbage: 1. Red Acre 2. Red Mammoth
C. Savoy Cabbage:
Perfection (Syn. Chieftain)The varieties can also be grouped as open pollinated and hybrid varieties