- Cabbage is basically a transplanted crop.
- The seeds are sown in seed bed.
- In the plains, the seed beds for early crop require cover (mulching) to save the small seedlings from rains, while in the high hills, it may be better to grow them under glass flames or poly tunnels.
- The seedlings of mid-season or late cultivars may be raised in the open.
- The soil of nursery should be well prepared and free from diseases.
- Well rottened farmyard manure should be added @ 2-3kg/m2
- The optimum spacing between rows in the nursery beds is 10cm and the depth of sowing is 1.5-2.5cm.
- For planting one hectare, about ten nursery beds of 300 x 100 x 15 cm dimension are required.
- After sowing, the seeds are properly covered with a thin layer of mixture of fine manure and soil.
- Regular and optimum moisture supply is needed. Then cover the nursery beds with dry grass.
- Generally, 4-6weeks old seedlings are ready for transplanting but seedlings up to 8weeks age can also be transplanted.
- The time of transplanting varies in different climatic conditions.
- In plains of India, it can be done from August to December and in hills from April to August.
- The planting distance may be varying according to cultivars, planting season and soil.
- Early maturing cultivars: 45 cm x 45 cm or 60 cm x 30 cm,
- Mid season: 60 cm x 45 cm
- Late maturing: 60 cm x 60 cm
- The planting is done in the flat bed or ridges and furrows depending on soil and climate.
- Manures and fertilizer requirements in cabbage depend upon fertility of soil.
- Accordingly, add 200-250q/ha farmyard manure and it should be mixed thoroughly at the time of field preparation.
- Application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash varies with soil type, varieties and place.
- The requirement of N: P: K is 120-180:75-80:60-75kg /hectare.
- Half quantity of nitrogen and full quantity each of phosphorus and potash is applied at the time of transplanting.
- Remaining quantity of nitrogen is applied after 30-45days of transplanting.
- Cabbage is a shallow rooted crop, so do shallow hoeing to remove weeds and to avoid any injury to the roots.
- Regular hoeing operations keep crop weed free and provide aeration to the root system.
- Crust formation in medium heavy and clay soils hinder water and air penetration in root system and should be broken otherwise adversely affect plant growth.
- Earthing up is important in rainy season as roots get exposed after every shower and should be done 4-5weeks after transplanting.
- Critical period for crop- weed competition is between 30-50days after transplanting.
- Use herbicides in initial stages followed by hand weeding in later stages of plant growth along with fertilizer top dressings.
- Application of Alachlor (Lasso) @ 2kg a.i./ha or Trifluralin@ 0.5kg/ha or Fluchloralin @ 0.5kg/ha before transplanting is beneficial for controlling annual and broad leaved weeds.
- Pendimethalin (Stomp @1.2kg a.i. /ha or Oxyflurofen (Goal) @ 600ml/ha) can also be used before transplanting if there is problem of annual weeds only.
- Cabbage is very sensitive to soil moisture.
- Maximum growth and yield can only be obtained when sufficient quantity of water is available to the plants.
- First irrigation is given just after transplanting of seedlings.
- Irrigation may be applied at 10-15days interval according to the season and soil but optimum soil moisture should be maintained regularly.
- Cabbage is usually irrigated by furrow method of irrigation.
- Heavy irrigation should be avoided when the heads have formed, as it will result in splitting of heads.
- The harvesting of cabbage is done when the heads attain marketable size.
- The early cultivars grown under comparatively warmer conditions develop loose head at the initial stage, but later become compact.
- In some cultivars, the heads start cracking soon after the maturity.
- In such cases, the quality of heads deteriorates fast, if harvesting is delayed.
- Harvesting should be done at right stage for getting good quality head.
- Harvesting should be done preferably in the late evening or early morning so that the product remains turgid and fresh.
- Trim diseased, damaged, rotten and discoloured leaves.
- The early cultivars take about 60-80days, medium 80-100days and late 100-130days for harvesting after transplanting.
- Owing to higher prices and small family requirements, the demand of market is for small to medium sized heads weighing around 0.5-1.0kg.
- Average yield of cabbage varieties from 20t/ha in OP varieties and that of hybrids between 50-70t/ha.
- Avoid direct contact of heads with the soil and exposure to direct sunlight. Proper packing is to be done to avoid bruising.
- Grading of cabbage should be done on the basis of size and firmness of head.
- The early varieties can be stored for 4-6weeks at 0oC-1.7oC and RH between 92-95%while the late ones for 12weeks due to firmness of heads.
- Cabbage heads are sent to the market in loose condition in trucks or in sacks.
- For transportation of early cultivars, either loose or in sacks, there is damage of the heads due to their succulence and looseness.
- Heads are packed according to their size.
- Crates are popularly used for packing.
- Sauerkraut
- Drying
- Pickling
- Canning
- Cole slaw
Last modified: Thursday, 21 June 2012, 2:21 AM