Landscaping banks of rivers and canals

Landscaping banks of rivers and canals

    The banks of the rivers and canals passing through towns and villages are well-suited for landscaping. The plants themselves will be objects of beauty and their reflection on the water surface is an additional attraction. Moisture-loving trees will do better along the waterfront compared to others. In India, the rivers Yamuna, Ganga, Kaveri etc. are regarded as sacred and on the banks of these rivers many old Hindu temples are situated. The banks along these places may be planted with flowering trees, especially the sacred trees such as Kadamba (Anthocephalus kadamba) and Asoka (Saraca indica) which are associated with Lord Krishna and Sita.

    Landscape for Dam siteThe bank of the river Hoogly on the Calcutta side has been beautifully landscaped by the Calcutta Port Commissioners with shrubs and trees and has become a place for recreation for the citizens of the metropolis who can breathe fresh air away from the congested city. The vicinity of the river Gomti at Lucknow has also been aesthetically landscaped. River banks near places of historic importance, such as Taj on the bank of Yamuna, have also been landscaped with beautiful trees.

    Besides beautification, planting of trees along banks of river and canals help soil conservation also. Since irrigation is not a problem, plants along canals and rivers once established will not need much care.

    The following flowering trees are recommended for planting along the banks of rivers and canals.

    • Amherstia nobilis
    • Delonix regia
    • Anthocephalus cadamba
    • Lagerstroemia flos-reginae
    • Barringtonia acutangula
    • Lagerstroemia thorelli
    • Bauhinia variegata
    • Melia azedarach
    • Cassia fistula
    • Peltophorum ferrugineum
    • C.javanica
    • Samanea saman
    • C. marginata
    • Saraca indica
    • C. nodosa

Last modified: Saturday, 23 June 2012, 4:34 AM