Methods of pruning

Methods of pruning

    1. Light pruning
    • In coffee trained on single stem regular light pruning is desirable.
    Time of pruning
  • Starts after the harvest of coffee ( December to February) and continues till the onset of monsoon. However, it is better to prune after few summer showers.
  • NOTE: Bushes suffering from exhaustion /die back are to be pruned only when there is sufficient soil moisture.
  • It also includes periodical handling i.e., periodical removal of suckers. However, it is better to prune after few summer showers.
  • Parts pruned during light pruning in coffee:

    1) Old branches

    2) Unproductive branches

    3) Criss-cross branches

    4) Lean and lanky growth

    5) Whippy wood

    6) Dead and broaken/damaged branches

    7) Disease and pest affected parts

    8) Suckers

    9) Branches touching ground

    2. Medium to severe pruning
  • Periodicity of medium to severe pruning: It is done once in four years usually to replace the laterals.
    Rejuvenation of coffee bushes
  • Stumping / Collar pruning: To rejuvenate badly damaged bushes during shade regulation or due to irregular pruning.
  • Height of stumping: 30 cm from ground level.
  • Angle of cut slope: Cut has to be made at 45 degree sloping angle facing towards East or North- Eastern direction.
  • Season of stumping: After the receipt of summer showers i.e., April- May
  • A vigorous growing sucker from 1 “ below the cut surface is trained on single stem.
  • Note: Cut surface is pasted with Bordeaux mixture paste to (10 %) prevents rotting and drying of cut surface.

Last modified: Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 5:54 AM