Personality-Based Creativity

Creative Experiences for Children 2(1+1)

Lesson 6 : Theoretical Perspectives On Creativity

Personality-Based Creativity

Maslow writes of creativity as an aspect of personality. This humanistic perspective states that creativity is a special perceptiveness on the part of certain individuals. Creative people can see the raw, the fresh, the concrete as well as the generic, the abstract, the categorized, and the classified. He terms these people self-actualized and characterize them as having boldness, freedom, courage, and spontaneity. Creativity becomes an attitude shown throughout the daily life of the individual. Other qualities used to describe the creative personality include self -confidence, independence, and openness to experience. They have a sense of humor and playful child-like attitude, a preference for complexity, an acceptance of disorder, and a tolerance of ambiguity.

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 January 2012, 9:43 AM