
Creative Experiences for Children 2(1+1)

Lesson 12 : Developmental Levels in Art in Children


Young preschool children also get much satisfaction from working with paint at the easel. They like the experiment with color, form, making designs and later simple pictures. Young preschoolers will also paint one color on top of the movement involved in painting.

Finger paint is an especially good medium for this age group, as it can be arranged over and over again. In this way, the process is stressed, not the product. To save the cost of finger paint paper and to try something new, allow the children finger paint on an enamel or smooth table top, a sheet of smooth linoleum or polyethylene sheet. When this is done, a print can be made from the child’s finger painting by laying a piece of newsprint paper on painted area and gently rubbing it with one hand. The painting is transferred in this way from the top or sheet to the paper. There may be some preschool children who do not like the feel of finger paint so never force them.

Last modified: Tuesday, 20 March 2012, 6:18 AM