Marital Success

Dynamics of Marriage and Family 3(3+0)

Lesson 24 : Marital Adjustment – Improvement Techniques

Marital Success

The process of defining marital success appears to be an endless one. With time, some expectations and purposes of marriage grow in relative importance while others lessen. The purposes of marriage also have different priority according to the type of union considered most useful in a particular culture at a given time. No marriage can be expected to meet all the criteria for success all the time, nor can it be expected to arrive at com­plete perfection.

Ways to judge marital success
Marital success is a relative matter. It cannot be judged in any absolute terms; however, the extent to which the union appears to meet the purposes for which mar­riage is supported in society and the degree to which the couple is satisfied with fulfillment of their personal expectations in the union can be assessed and used as an index of marital success.

Criteria of Marital Success
Marital success is dependent upon the criteria used as standards. A given marriage might be considered relatively successful when compared by certain criteria, yet it might be considered unsuccessful when compared by different standards.Several tentative criteria of marital success include individual personalities and dynamics of interpersonal interaction like:

  1. Marital interaction is marked by accommodation by both parties.
  2. Basic roles are mutually complimentary and comfortable.
  3. Both parties have a feeling of emotional security.
  4. Group relationships are satisfactory for raising children.
  5. Spouses have their ego-demands satisfactorily met.
  6. Economic problems are adequately solved.
  7. Self development is provided, although not at the expense of the marriage.
  8. Spouses think of their relationship as a solid entity.
Last modified: Friday, 25 May 2012, 7:19 AM