Criteria of Marital Success

Dynamics of Marriage and Family 3(3+0)

Lesson 30 : Marriage Education

Criteria of Marital Success

Several tentative criteria of marital success emerge from Hill’s work. It includes individual personalities and dynamics of interpersonal interaction.

This criterion is as follows:

  1. Love is directed and maintained towards the male.
  2. Marital interaction is marked by accommodation by both parties.
  3. Basic roles are mutually complimentary and comfortable.
  4. Both parties have a feeling of emotional security.
  5. Group relationships are satisfactory for raising children.
  6. Spouses have their ego-demands satisfactorily met.
  7. Economic problems are adequately solved.
  8. Self development is provided, although not at the expense of the marriage.
  9. Spouses think of their relationship as a solid entity.

Last modified: Friday, 25 May 2012, 7:35 AM