Fruit canker
Causal organism: Pestalotiopsis psidii Symptoms
- Infection generally occurs on green fruits.
- Minute, brown or rust- coloured, unbroken, circular, scabby lesions of 2 to 4 mm dia appear on the fruit which later tear the epidermis open in a circinate manner.
- The scab disfigures the fruits and their market value highly reduced.
Sources of inoculum
- Primary source of inoculum: Dormant mycelia. Helopeltis antonii, a kajji bug which punctures the young fruit for sucking its juice but the damages exposes the fruit to infection by the pathogen.
- Secondary source of inoculum: Air borne conidia
- Mode of spread: spread is through the wind-borne conidia.
- The fungus is capable of growing at temperature between 20 and 25°C.
- Mycelial growth with intensive sporulation takes place at 5.5°C.
- Wounding results in quick attack by the fungus.
- Since the wound created by insect predisposes the fruit to infection, spray young fruits after pollination with a suitable systemic insecticide (Dimethoate – 2ml/l) to prevent infection.
- Spread of the disease can be checked by three or four spraying with Bordeaux mixture1.0 percent or copper oxy chloride 0.2 per center.
- Summer irrigationand balanced nutritional management reduces the disease.
Last modified: Saturday, 21 January 2012, 6:54 AM