Physical behaviour during Late childhood

Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 2 :Physical growth and development during late childhood

Physical behaviour during Late childhood

  1. The physical ability to move capably in a changing environment improves during this period. Ex. when a ball is thrown at them, they must bring their hands together just in right time to catch it.
  2. Their increase physical capabilities are reflected in their motor skills which become more refined and they use more efficient techniques of movement. Ex. Young children throw a ball with arms but in this period children learn to step forward while throwing.
  3. With better body proportions children can run a little far, jump a little higher and throw a ball a little further.
  4. Have quicker reactions than young children. The reaction time improves steadily throughout childhood.
  5. Reaction time: a stimulus such as light suddenly appears the subject’s task is to respond to it as quickly as possible.

  6. Eye hand co-ordination and control of the small muscles improve rapidly in more sophisticated use of their hands.
  7. Hand writing quality and speed also improves steadily from 6-15 years.
Last modified: Monday, 12 December 2011, 5:28 AM