Childhood Neurosis

Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)

Lesson 11 : Emotional Hazards during late childhood

Childhood Neurosis

Childhood neurosis is psychologically important that involves such as fear or sadness.

Characteristics : They are usually

  1. Unhappy
  2. Have problems related to anxieties and fears
  3. Perceive elevated stress in their lives.

Certain neurotic reactions such as an intense fear of snakes may have little effect on the child’s general functioning but more pervasive and frequent neurotic reactions can have adverse effect on a child’s personal growth. Children must learn to cope with neurotic events.

Fear is a felling of psychological discomfort resulting in many psychosomatic problems like increased heart rate etc.


Phobias are abnormal fears that are directly associated with specific events or situations. Ex. Fear of high places, darkness, crowds or school etc.

Anxiety is a vague feeling of fear that has more uncertain sources i.e the person may not be able to specify either the situations or possible consequences that elicit from fear.

Last modified: Monday, 26 November 2012, 6:01 AM