For majority of young persons, the years from 12 to 19 years are the most eventful ones of their lives so far as their growth and development is concerned.
Psychologically, adolescence is the age when the individual becomes integrated into the society of adults. This integration includes intellectual changes along with pubertal changes. This intellectual transformation of adolescent’s thinking enables him to achieve his integration into the social relationships of adults.
Sociologically adulthood is reached when an individual is self supporting, has chosen a career, has married and founded a family.
Legal adulthood comes when a person vote, (21 years for girls and 24 years for boys), marry without a parental permission, can take up a profession with responsibility.
Psychological adulthood is reached when one discovers one’s identity and becomes independent from parents, develops a system of values and is able to form mature relationships of friendships and love.
Adolescence is a period of storm and stress. It is a period of vacillating contradictory emotions and a stage of rapid physical growth.