Life Span Development II: School age and Adolescence 3 (2+1)
Lesson 26 : Adolescent interests
Religious Interests
Many boys and girls begin to question the religious concepts and beliefs of their childhood and this has led adolescence to be called the period of religious doubt in reality religious questioning. Many adolescents investigate their religion as a source of emotional and intellectual stimulation. Youngsters want to learn their religion on an intellectual basis rather than by blind acceptance. They question religion not because they want to become agnostic or atheistic, but because they want to accept religion in a way that is meaningful to them – based on their desire to be independent and free to make their own decisions.
The changes in religious interest during adolescence are even more radical than the changes in vocational interests. Like childhood vocational interests, childhood concepts of religion are basically unrealistic and the adolescent may become critical of earlier beliefs.
Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 9:14 AM