Measurement Of Noise
Health Hygiene & Sanitation
Lesson 17 : Lighting And Noise
Measurement Of Noise
Decibel is the standard for the measurement of noise.
- The zero on a decibel scale is at the threshold of hearing, the smallest distinguishable sound.
- on the decibel scale,
- 20 dB is whisper
- 40 dB the noise in a quiet office
- 60 dB is normal conversation
- 80 dB is the level at which sound becomes physically painful.
So How Loud Is Loud?
110dB +
Close to a train(110) >130 dB Immediate hearing damage
90 dB
Very loud
Car Horn at 5 meters(100db) >90 dB regularly can cause hearing damage.
70 - 80 dB
police whistle, city street noise
45-60 dB
Normal conversation at close up. Normal office noise
30-40 dB
Quiet conversation, private office, recording studio.
20 dB and less
Very faint
watch ticking, whispering, sound proof room
Noice Quantum of Cities
- Delhi- 80 dB
- Kolkata – 87 dB
- Bombay-85 dB
- Chennai-89 dB etc..
Last modified: Thursday, 26 April 2012, 12:01 PM