Functional Design and its Purposes

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 1 : Design: Types and Its Aspects

Functional Design and its Purposes

Functional design expresses how a garment is supposed to work physically (owing to its components) and how it carry out the function i.e., its performance (Fig. 1.5).


In clothing, functional design may involve either parts or the whole garment. For example, the functional design in parts of the garment can be seen in functional pocket that holds things properly; functional fasteners that open and close easily and smoothly, etc. False parts are purely decorative in nature and do not perform as per their appearance. A few functions are general in all complete garments while some garments are supposed to possess specific functions as per the work related, sports, or other needs.
The general needs that have to be fulfilled by all the garments are as follows:

  • protection from immediate and broad environments’ physical elements
  • ease in movement of body parts as per routine actions of an individual to maintain mobility
  • microclimate alteration i.e., thermoregulation for maintaining body temperature
  • prevention of general health hazards due to features in the garments and provides comfort, efficiency and safety

The special needs that have to be fulfilled by the garments in particular conditions or for specific situation are as follows:

  • professional needs (both formal and casual)
  • proper use of design components in the garments to prevent the injuries caused by improperly designed or used cloth­ing e.g. proper fabric type in dresses of fire fighters.
  • action potential; incorporated among garments may be specific or versatile for varying activity e.g. waterproofing without discomfort.
  • special physical, psychological and social needs of children, elderly persons, expectant mothers and disabled persons
Last modified: Friday, 16 March 2012, 6:20 AM