Psychological Effects of Colour

Apparel Designing and Construction 3(1+2)

Lesson 6 : Elements of Design- Color

Psychological Effects of Colour

The colour in the garments when affects only moods, emotions, or temperament; they are called psychological effects. A lot of psychological associations of colour are culture­ bound as different colours signify different things in different societies. For example, in Western cultures white is the bridal colour, symbolizing purity and innocence while in India red and green colour are used as the bridal colour for their association with love and prosperity which is desired of every relation. Warm, light, and bright colours are more interesting and exciting; cool, dull, and dark colours more calming and comforting. So the garment colour expresses an active or a quiet personality or occasion. Warm hues, light pastel values and soft intensities are more flowing, graceful, soft, and feminine while cool hues, dark values, and bright intensities imply strength and masculinity. Colours in garments depicts clearly about the age of the wearer. Warm hues appear young, happy, and carefree; cool hues seem suave, experienced, and mature. Hence, children prefer dresses in bright tints and the elderly go for dark and dull colours. The different colours are associated with phenomenon of the nature like blue-green and green of sea, trees, spring season; yellow-green, yel­low, and yellow-orange, to the maturing autumn; orange, red-orange, red, and red-­violet to summers and vi­olet, blue-violet, and blue to winters. So the garments’ colous depict association with the seasons also. Spring fashions are often light and neutral; in summer vivacious and cheerful colours are visible, and for winters dark and rich colours are chosen. A specific colour is believed to intrigue different emotions. A few emotions associated with different colours are as follows:



Red :

Love, passion, power, courage, excitement, danger, sacrifice, vitality

Yellow :

Wisdom, enlightenment, happiness, cowardice, ill health, warmth

Green :

Rest, calmness, growth, envy, wealth, refreshment

Blue :

Peace, loyalty, sincerity, depression, serenity, gentleness

Brown :

Casualness, naturalness, friendliness, humility, earthiness

Black :

Dignity, formality, sophis­tication, gloom, sorrow, mystery

Grey :

Calmness, serenity, resignation, dignity, versatility, penitence

White :

purity, hope, cleanliness, spiritualism, delicacy, forgiveness

Last modified: Friday, 27 January 2012, 10:27 AM