Leaf scorch disease
Causal Organism – Leptothyrium fragariae Symptoms
- Leaf scorch lesions appear not only on leaf blades but also on the petioles, fruit pedicels, and sepals of the calyx.
- In early stage, leaf scorch lesions resemble those produced by the leaf spot organism as the small dark purple spots appear scattered over the upper surface of the leaflets.
- It is not difficult to distinguish the two after the spots have developed.
- In mature condition the leaf scorch spots are large and irregular in outline and never show the white central area which is characteristic of the leaf spot disease.
- On the contrary, black fruiting bodies which develop in the central area give the leaf scorch disease a “tar spot” appearance.
Disease cycle
- Strawberry leaves often survive the winter and diseased leaves in the early spring may bear both the perfect and imperfect stages of the leaf scorch organism.
- Ascospores are more important than the conidia in causing primary infection, since they are discharged in large numbers during the early spring months when the new leaves are developing.
- Under suitable moisture conditions the ascospores germinate within 24 hours and cause infection by direct penetration of the epidermal cells in contrast to the stomatal infection by Mycosphaerella fragariae.
- Use healthy planting materials.
- Avoid creation of unnecessary injury and wounds
- Application of fertilizer should be delayed at least per day?
- Spraying with Copper oxy chloride (0.2 per cent) or Dyfolation (0.2 per cent) or Chlorothalonil (0.2 per cent) is effective.
- Use of resistant varieties like
- Spray the Bordeaux mixture 1%.
Last modified: Thursday, 2 February 2012, 9:36 AM