Genital System

Human Physiology

Lesson 25 : Male Reproductive System-I

Genital System

Genital System is involved in a reproductive process through which individuals of own type are produced in order to propagate the population. Reproductive process involves the production of male and female gametes, their union or fertilization and development of young ones. Human are bisexual in nature and both sexes produce gametes independently of each other.

Male and Female genital systems: The genital tracts consist of specialized organs participating in production of gametes, its transport and other physiological functions associated with reproductive process.

Male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes as primary sex organ and tubular genital tract. Testes are ovoid shaped parenchymatous glands situated extra-abdominally in the skin folds called >scrotal sacs. Each testis is 4-5 cm long containing about 1000 microscopic seminiferous tubules. These produce about several millions of sperms every day starting from puberty till old age. The tubular genital tract arising from each testis includes epididymis, ductus deferens, accessory male sex glands (seminal vesicles, prostate, ampulla and bulbourethral glands) and penis .

Each seminiferous tubule contains a hollow cavity containing developing spermatozoa and spermatogonia cells (precursor cells) arranged towards periphery. Larger sized sertoli cells are found interspread among spermatogonia cells (Fig 25c). The cells perform nutritive function and also secretes inhibin and estrogen hormone. Testosterone hormone producing cell are Interstitial cells which can be seen in outside the boudries of seminiferous tubules .



Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 10:27 AM