Structure of Windows

Designing Information Material 4(1+3)

Lesson 10 : Preparing Slides for Presentation Using Ppt

Structure of Windows

Frame: The outer boundary 01 a window is called the frame. The frame is not visible when the window is on the Desktop. It helps in changing the size of window.

Title Bar: Title bar displays the name of a window. One can click on this title bar and drag the mouse to move the window in the desktop.

Control Menu Box: A small rectangle box at the upper left corner of the window, which display a small picture (icon) on it. This box is used to open, close move, maximise, minimise window. If you are not using a mouse, Ctrl + Space bar will invoke this menu box.

Minimise Button: Clicking on this button causes the window to shrink into an icon if it is a data file or to minimise into a button on the taskbar if it is application. Click the application button on task bar to maximise it again on desktop.

Maximize Button: Clicking on this button will cause the window to expand to its full screen size. (or into its maximum size). A new button (restore button) appears to the right side of the title bar when a window is maximized or minimized. You can use the "restore" button to bring the window to its original size.

Close Button: This button closes a window when one click on it.

Vertical /Horizontal Scrollbars: You can scroll a window by using vertical or horizontal scroll bars. Scroll bars appears only if its size is not enough to accommodate the entire content together on the screen (a part is shown in the window). For the remaining parts you have to scroll either by using the horizontal or vertical scroll bar.

Mouse actions
Pointing an item with a mouse such that the mouse pointer touches the item.

DoubleĀ· clicking: Double click by rapidly clicking and releasing mouse button twice. It is to start application etc.

Dragging: Point on the item. Click the left mouse button and hold it down while moving. This to move an item from one position to another, resizing a window (by dragging on its frame), move a window (dragging the title bar) etc.

Hourglass: When window is processing data or starting an application, the mouse pointer becomes an hourglass. This means that you cannot select anything until the pointer becomes an arrow again.

  • Click start button
  • Point to programmes
  • Select "Accessories" from extended menu.
  • Select "Word Pad" from extended menu of accessories folder.

Move Window: Click the title bar of the window and hold down the left mouse button. Drag the mouse to move the window. Let us see how we can move "Word Pad" window you have just opened. Click the title bar (dark in color). Hold down the mouse button and drag it such that the window is moved to the desired place.

Last modified: Monday, 30 April 2012, 7:50 AM